Toyama Microwave Atlas Update

Apr. 2022 2 entries revised. (CD3SH, ground state and ν12 = 1, HCOOCH3, and ν12 = 1)
Mar. 2019 1 entry added. (HCOO13CH3)
Jun. 2017 4 entries added. (Methyl mercaptan(CD3SH) and aminoacetonitrile (CH2NH, 13CH2NH, ν18 = 1, ν11 = 1, ν17 = 1)))
Mar. 2017 1 entry added. (Hydantoin(ground state and two vibrational excited states))
Mar. 2016 1 entry added. (CH3CH2OCH3 (ground state))
3 entries were revised. (CH3CH2OCH328 = 1, ν29 = 1, ν30 = 1)
May 2014 8 entries added. (CH2NH, 13CH2NH, CH215NH, CH2ND, NH2CH2CN, NHDCH2CN, ND2CH2CN, HCOOCH3 Vt=2)
Mar. 2013 System resumed.
Oct. 2012 System stopped due to the server trouble.
Dec. 2011 1 entry added. (CH3CH2OCH328 = 1))
Missing comments recovered. The data for CH3CH2OCH329 = 1) was revised.
Molecules are now sorted in the order of moleculer weight.
Mar. 2011 8 entries added. (CHD, CD2CN, CH2CP, H3PO, D3PO, H3P18O, NF (a 3Δ+), NF (b 1Σ+))
Jan. 2011 Data of HC4OH and isotopomers are temporary unavailable for remeasurement.
Mar. 2010 3 molecules added. (D3O+, SD3+, NCl (b 1Σ+)) The data for NHD was revised.
Sep. 2009 3 molecules added. (OD-, NHD, CH3CH2OCH329 = 1))
Jan. 2009 5 molecules added. Methanol data format has been revised. The residuals (Observed-Calculated) are added when available.
Oct. 1st 2008 1 molecule (3 isotopomers) added
Jun. 10th 2008 3 molecules added
May 15th 2008 Water(4 isotopomers) added
March 31st 2008 Open this homepage


Kaori Kobayashi (Department of Physics, University of Toyama) (replace -at- with @)
Tel. +81-76-445-6595

Last update, April 26th, 2022